BIG FUN at the CA State Fair

July 17, 2010
What a great day at the state fair!

Look at these two!!! They were so excited to go to the fair. They were being so silly in the back of the car on the ride to Sacramento.
We often play a French cd where they sing songs...and this is a song they were "singing". Already creating their own choreography!

Nothings better than the rinky, dinky Carney rides. (According to G.)

Signing a big card that will be sent to our hero's.

Camp Smokey!!!
Gannon received all of the stamps on his "Golden Passport to Fire Prevention" after attending all of the fire prevention stations. When he turned in his completed passport, he was so excited to receive his bandanna or Smokey the Bear Award.

Days of the Dinosaur!!!
This exhibit was the main reason we attended the fair this year. Gannon was so excited to embark on this prehistoric adventure. The indoor attraction featured more than a dozen life-sized dinosaur robots. Pretty cool - G was amazed.

Learning about salmon and creating a "salmon egg" bracelet.

Sister loved her new accessory.

Cooling off.
(Look at her hair!)

No fear!

Fair food!
Yes, we are a bit ashamed...we ate a fried snicker's bar - I know, disgusting!

Big Yellow Slide - this was my favorite as a little girl & it's now G's favorite.

Gannon threw a ping pong ball into a fish bowl and won a gold fish - he was so proud, as were we!

We couldn't believe it - 10PM the great show began and we were in awe knowing that we were still there. The day went by so fast because we were having busy fun.