
May 22, 2010
Gannon and I attended clay class today. I was so proud of the amazing blue T-Rex that my Gannon created...what a wonderful imagination my son has going on!
Before Daddy took Mila shopping in Grass Valley, Mila admired some of the art being exhibited in the classroom.

After class, Rich and I took the kids to Nevada City for some lunch, a little shopping (Mila and I love PennyLane), and some hot chocolate.

When we were at a nursery, it began to hail big ice chunks...Gannon had so much fun "eating" the ice as it fell from the sky.

As if getting hit with ice and being cold wasn't enough, Rich and I found a Japanese Maple at the nursery that we wanted to take home...that meant that the kids had to drive all of the way home in the jungle.
Gannon thought this was so crazy fun!