This one's for you Mila...

December 29, 2009
I developed mastitis last week - I felt weak, sick and I was in pain. As a result of the mastitis, I was put on augmentin to relieve the problem. Now mind you, I DO NOT like drugs of any sort. Not even baby aspirin. One could certainly call me a "hippie" when it comes to medicine. I would rather suffer through the pain than to put chemicals in my body. I mean come on...I had two babies completely natural without any pain meds, so I'm pretty sure I can get through a lot with focused breathing. Unfortunately, breathing and other remedies didn't assist my mastitis, so I took the antibiotics so I could continue feeding my baby girl.

WELL - the "help" or antibiotics turned on me today; hence why I prefer not to take medicines. I developed hives so badly that I ballooned up. My lips and eyes were ridiculous, I couldn't make a fist because my hands were so swollen and my tummy and legs were full of giant red welts. Think of the horrible octomom's lips and that was me - I swear! I woke up about 3:45am to a burning face. I looked in the mirror and started to cry because I scared myself!!! So, long story short...I am now on prednisolone (a steroid) for the next five days to help me get back to "normal". Thank goodness I have frozen milk for my little Mila.