Back to the Real World

August 17, 2009

Today was my first day back to work. Driving to work I kept repeating to myself, "I can do this...I can do this". It was very difficult to leave my baby girl. Although I know she is in great hands (thank you Anne and Mom), I miss her more than I can express. I have been her everything since the second she was born, and she has been mine as well.

The bizarre thing is - work was waiting for me and within hours, I felt as though I had never been gone. Thankfully I remembered why I enjoy working and contributing to the community. For me, work makes me a better woman and therefore a fantastic Mommy.

A perfect world would allow me to bring my babies to work with me, but let's be real...if they were with me, I'd never work - we'd play!

And thanks girls for the warm office welcome - it meant a lot!!!