Gardens and Yum-Yum

August 2, 2009

Check out our garden! Our garden grew and produced wonderfully this year. We can hardly keep up with our delicious supply of zucchini, cucumber, tomato's and peas. Gannon is such a great help in the garden. After he helped me harvest this morning, he took a little break on the hammock. I had to capture him on film. What a cutie!

And our Miss Mila had a HUGE day today - she experienced her first taste of rice cereal. Although she has shown a lot of interest in food over the past few weeks, she wasn't so impressed with her first taste of food. It was sort of sad...I know she was thinking, "that's it? that's what I've been missing?" Regardless of all of the signs she expressed, she's just not quite the diluted breast milk cereal will have to wait a few more days before we try again.

She sure did look precious in he big bib and she knew exactly what to do with the spoon.